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Additional Installation Cost Guide 2023

Additional Installation Cost Guide 2025

Wouldn’t it be great if the advertised price of a particular solar package, battery system or EV charger were all you would ever need to pay? The good news is that for 70% of homes, the advertised price is likely to be the final price. However, many homes have imposing

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Sigenergy Sigenstor Hero image with black background

Review: Sigenergy SigenStor defines a new digital battery era in Australia

Wave goodbye to the mainstream analogue era of sustainable energy. A new ‘digital era’ is here, led by Sigenergy SigenStor. This era will define the next generation of all-encompassing energy ecosystems, built safer, faster, and more scalable, with improved solar energy utilisation features. Installations have been commenced in Australia since mid-2024,

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Whole roof top covered in black solar panels over looking a beach in the distance. Young mother and child in a classic convertible car at the left of the house.

Should you consider black solar panels in Australia?

With technology always improving, how well do black solar panels perform in 2025? The good news is that two fundamental specifications listed on a solar panel data sheet answer this in relatively simple terms, but you’ve got to know where to look and how to discern certain terminologies. Gauging specifications,

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6 points to compare solar companies and their reviews in Australia

The good, the great and the cheeky–there’s a diverse mix of solar companies in Australia. With the industry steadily maturing after almost two decades of mainstream penetration, it should, in theory, be relatively easy to compare solar companies and their reviews. Unfortunately, as soon as there’s a clarifying option there

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Fronius GEN24 hybrid and hybrid ready inverter range pictured with a BYD battery and Fronius Ohmpilot

The difference between a hybrid and a hybrid-ready inverter

If choosing the ideal solar brands wasn’t hard enough, now you’re faced with certain terminologies that sound like a virtual foreign language. The good news is that you’re not alone. Many seasoned solar professionals consistently try to stay up-to-date with the evolving product contortions aimed at making energy solutions more

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Six easy ways to identify single phase or 3 phase power

How to identify a single phase or 3-phase power supply

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Determining whether you have a single-phase or 3-phase power supply could be daunting if you don’t work with electricity. Rest assured that, unless advised, 95% of people who shop for a solar energy system are also less likely to know. Considering many homes have different

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What's your cost? It's free to ask

Your quote for a hassle-free EV charger installation begins here.