Additional Installation Cost Guide 2025

Wouldn’t it be great if the advertised price of a particular solar package, battery system or EV charger were all you would ever need to pay? The good news is that for 70% of homes, the advertised price is likely to be the final price. However, many homes have imposing factors that require more significant installation hours than standard homes or additional specialised products to ensure the system meets localised energy requirements.

These additional installation costs can be used for both PSW Energy & Perth Solar Warehouse products.


PSW Energy follows the three singles rule when it comes to base solar package advertised prices: single-phase, single-level, and single roof. Let’s expand on this a little more.

We’re able to provide competitive prices by narrowing in on the lowest expense (time and materials) installation criteria. Assisting transparency, installation costs scale upwards accordingly. Customers can rest assured that PSW Energy installation costs factor in premium quality results and safety relative to the premises.

Below is the PSW Additional Solar Installation Cost Guide to help keep additional installation costs as transparent as possible. The listed prices are in order from the most common upgrade costs and are current as of up to 30 days from the publishing date of this post.


Energy consumption monitor: From $390

Basic solar energy systems come standard with WiFi-connected production reports and service messages available to you from convenient iOS & Android apps. However, the truly beneficial information for many is visualising the energy coming into and leaving the property alongside solar production data. Gaining energy flow insight facilitates a greater understanding of one’s energy-saving potential and the ability to fine-tune selected appliance operation to use the available solar energy to its full capacity. Energy reporting at the point of supply can only be viewed by installing an energy consumption monitor alongside the solar energy system.

Perth Solar Warehouse recommends installing an energy consumption monitor when installing a solar package to avoid unavoidable increased retrofit costs.

1-phase Consumption Monitors Package Cost Retrofit Cost
3-phase Consumption Monitors Package Cost Retrofit Cost

Access and switchboard modifications may affect the quoted price.

Fronius Solar Smart Meter and Inverter

Image: Fronius consumption monitor/smart meter diagram.

Tiled roof upgrade: from $100

A standard PSW Energy solar package is equipped with Tin roof mounting hardware. To accommodate a Tile roof, more expensive robust stainless steel brackets are required to accommodate the profile of the tile without impacting the roof’s waterproofing. There is also an additional time component for solar technicians to fit these more complex brackets. Tin roof brackets are far simpler by design and therefore cost significantly less.

Each tile profile is unique, standard tile brackets may not accommodate more unique designs.

System size Base additional cost
3.7 kW
6.6 kW
9.9 kW
13 kW
19 kW

The above table should be used as a guide only. Certain tile profiles may affect the cost.

3 phase inverter upgrade: from $350

A standard single-phase home has one active line (1 phase) coming to the home from the grid, 3-phase homes have three active lines powering the house from the network. This is similar to an industrial and commercial power supply to operate more heavy-duty equipment. As such, to accommodate bigger loads, the cost increases from a manufacturing and installation perspective with solar power supplies.

Popular 3-phase solar inverter upgrade costs;

1-phase inverter 3-phase inverter Price difference
Fronius Primo 5kW
Fronius Symo 5kW
Goodwe 5000D-NS
Goodwe 5000-SDT G2
Growatt MIN XH 5kW
Growatt MOD XH 5kW
SMA SB AV-41 5.0
SMA STP AV-40 5.0
Sungrow 5KTL-D
Sungrow 5KTL-MT
SolarEdge HD-Wave 5kW
SolarEdge Three Phase 5kW

If you have a large house or big-load electrical appliances (i.e. specific pumps, large air conditioning systems etc), there is a high chance your home is 3 phase where you’ll require a 3 phase inverter. 

Frequently Asked Questions; 3 phase

3 phase solar inverters are more expensive from a manufacturing level and require additional costs to purchase. It also cost’s more to provision 3 phase electrical equipment; cabling, isolators, circuit protection, time, etc.

Perhaps the easiest way to identify if your home is three phase or single phase is to check your electricity meter for the property. Somewhere on the front face it should be written.

Alternatively, here’s a handy link; 6 Easy ways to identify a single phase or 3-phase power supply ›

Single Phase energy meter

Image: An example of the text Single Phase printed on an energy meter.

Multi-level installation (solar): from $500

As multiple level homes or properties take many shapes and forms, the $500 additional cost is a starting indication only. Each property must be assessed/quoted on a case by case basis as the increased cost may be required based on varying degrees of installation difficulty.

Frequently Asked Questions; Multi-level

Additional installation costs exist for multiple level installations or properties where the gutter line is higher than 2.2m, for varied reasons;

  • Time.
  • Employee safety – Worksafe laws.
  • Additional cabling requirements.
  • Safety barriers.
  • Lifting equipment.

Even if a solar array is being installed on a single-level roof of the house, multi-level installation costs are required. As the electric cabling work is often the most exhaustive portion of any installation, this additional cost recovers the extra time and materials required to extend cabling through the multi-level section of the home.

Image: Multi-level dwellings.

Split solar array: from $200

Some roof areas are greater than others. Installing solar panels on one singular roof face is the simplest and most cost effective installation method – therefore is used for base pricing. Where solar panels are required to be split across multiple roof faces (see below image) of a home to achieve the desired kW capacity, additional cabling and work is required.

Frequently Asked Questions; Split Array

This scenario will require a split solar array charge as the additional material and labour costs are incurred through having to re-enter the roof space, create additional penetrations in an alternative section of roof and install a supplementary solar array irrelevant of distance.

Image: A ‘split’ solar array facing the same orientation.

Existing system removal: from $150

It’s well-known that “it’s better to reuse than recycle”. Removing an existing solar energy system and ensuring the products are repurposed in an environmentally sustainable method is how the world benefits from your old solar energy system. PSW Energy follows an environmentally and humanitarian conscious approach ensuring your existing solar energy system can be repurposed in alternative global regions such as certain African nations where renewable energy subsidies are obsolete. 

The result ensures life’s basic expectations, such as clean drinking water that can be pumped from the power of the sun.

To ensure your panels don’t end up in landfill and are sustainably repurposed the cost is minimal; $150 for systems up to 15 panels. $10 per panel thereafter.

Switchboard upgrade: Assess

A variable where the cost depends on the extent of the upgrade. 95% of switchboards have a sufficient amount of available space to accommodate solar. However, upgrade work may be required if your switchboard looks a little full. Standard switchboard upgrade work cost averages below;

Required upgrade Average Cost
RCBO Switchboard conversion
1-phase whole residential switchboard upgrade (16 pole)
from $1500
3-phase whole residential switchboard upgrade (24 pole)
from $2000

The above table is a guide only. Switchboard upgrade costs are to be assessed/quoted on a case by case basis. A photo can assist sales support in determining if any switchboard upgrade is required.


Tesla Powerwall Solar Batteries
Backup Power Supplies: Assess

Battery affordability has improved by altering the primary purpose. Referred to as Load Shaving, continued energy savings from the solar-generated energy after the sunsets are considered the new primary purpose for a majority of modern solar batteries.

However, if you live in an area prone to frequent grid power outages, a solar and battery system can operate as an emergency/temporary backup power supply for selected loads. Accommodating a backup power function takes additional equipment and wiring to ensure a backup supply that meets your expectations and won’t cause harm to anyone working on the grid. With additional complexity comes the additional cost of equipment and time to install.

System Base Additional Cost
Alpha ESS SMILE5 (essential circuit)
Alpha ESS T10 (essential circuit)
Fronius Primo GEN24 (essential circuit)
Fronius Symo GEN24 (essential circuit)
Fronius Primo or Symo GEN24 (PV point)
Goodwe EH (essential circuit)
Goodwe ET (essential circuit)
Huawei L1 Back-up box, 1-phase (with essential circuit)
Huawei M1 Back-up box, 3-phase (with essential circuit)
Sungrow RS (essential circuit)
Sungrow RT (essential circuit)
Tesla Powerwall, single phase (whole home)
$0 (included)
Tesla Powerwall, single phase (essential circuit)
Tesla Powerwall, three phase (essential circuit)

The above table is a guide only. Backup power supply costs are to be assessed/quoted on a case-by-case basis. 

Important: The back up power features for the above products are limited and will not provide off-grid power for extended periods. If you required stable emergency power in the event of a grid outage for an extended period, consult with sales support.

Multi-level installation (battery)

As multiple-level homes or properties take many shapes and forms, a $300 additional cost is an indication only. Each property must be assessed/quoted on a case-by-case basis as the increased cost may be required based on varying degrees of installation difficulty.

Frequently Asked Questions; Multi-level

Additional installation costs exist for multiple level installations or properties where the gutter line is higher than 2.2m for varied reasons;

  • Time.
  • Employee safety – Worksafe laws.
  • Additional cabling requirements.
  • Safety barriers.
  • Limited access.

This depends on the cable path or certain technician access requirements. Once access to an area of the dwelling is required to a roof region with a greater than a 2.2m gutter line, a mult-level installation cost is applicable.

EV Charging.

3-phase/ 22 kW charging

Base electric vehicle charging outlet costs facilitate a single-phase supply to the outlet. Even though the EV Charger may be capable of single or 3-phase without a product upgrade, additional costs exist in the form of time, cabling and sundry items such as 3-phase circuit protection and isolators etc.

If your property possesses a 3-phase power supply, taking advantage of 22 kW charging capabilities could reduce your electric vehicle’s charge time. 3-phase provisioning to your EV Charger starts from $300 per outlet.

Multi-level installation (EV)

As multiple-level homes or properties take many shapes and forms, a $300 additional cost is an indication only. Each property must be assessed/quoted on a case-by-case basis as the increased cost may be required based on varying degrees of installation difficulty.

Frequently Asked Questions; Multi-level

Additional installation costs exist for multiple level installations or properties where the gutter line is higher than 2.2m for varied reasons;

  • Time.
  • Employee safety – Worksafe laws.
  • Additional cabling requirements.
  • Safety barriers.
  • Limited access.

This depends on the cable path or certain technician access requirements. Once access to an area of the dwelling is required to a roof region with a greater than a 2.2m gutter line, a mult-level installation cost is applicable.


Every installation is unique. Some other variable installation factors are unable to be foreseen in general or advertised package pricing. PSW Energy will always quote each individual job and assess unique variables to ensure the product can be supported for its intended life.

Scenario Example Cost
Detached dwellings
An installation to be spread across two seperate buildings. 
Underground works
Installations where underground cabling is required.
Innadequate roof structures
Where a roof may not be deemed adequate to support the solar array for the intended life.
Additional cabling requirements
Where an installation requires additional cabling beyond 30m total of AC and DC combined.
Communication cabling
Where communication cabling is required to be provisioned for network connection.
Back-up power supplies
Where addition circuits and equipment are required to provision a back-up power supply in the event of a grid failure.


PSW Energy and Perth Solar Warehouse reserves the right not to accept selected jobs regardless of installations meeting base criteria or advertised prices without reason.

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